Sometimes they do......

This unusual FN Browning Model 1900 was presented to Lt. v. Barsewisch about 1903.
The inscription reads:
(in German):
"Dem Kaiser die Treu
Dem Feinde das Blei"
(in English):
"Loyalty to the Kaiser
Lead to the Enemy"

"Ihrem lieben v. Barsewisch zur Erinnerung"
"To our dear v. Barsewisch for remembrance"

"Blanck, D'Avis, Ossig, v. Pfannenberg,
Frhr. v. Wittenhorst Sonsfeld"

In 1903, these officers were assigned to the Unteroffizierschule (NCO Academy) in Treptow a.R. (on the Rega River) Pommerania.

Lt. Detlev v. Barsewisch in the uniform of the Schutz-Truppe

In 1904, Lt. v. Barsewisch entered the Schutztruppe fur Sudwestafrika, which was fighting the "Hereros and Hottentotten" in DeutschSudwestafrika. He returned from Africa in 1907 and was assigned to the Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Louis Ferdinand von Prussen until 1918. He was promoted to Hauptmann (Captain) in a Machinengewehr-Kompagnie (Machinegun Company), and by 7 October 1918 was promoted to Major. He survived both wars, and died 20 November 1945.

Of the other officers:
Oblt. Blanck - Saw service in WWI.
Oblt. D'Avis - Died 19 April 1915 in Bad Nauheim.
Lt. Ossig - Killed in action 30 September 1914 at Malancourt.
Lt. v. Pfannenberg - Wounded in action 20 April 1918 on the Kemmel and died 30 April 1918 at Lille.
Lt. Freiherr v. Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld - Died in 1908 or 1909.

If anyone can help me contact any additional living relatives, I would be grateful!

My sincere thanks to Herr Hans Rudolf von Stein (now deceased), Nettetal, Germany, for his research efforts, and very special thanks to Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard von Barsewisch for his kind assistance in providing the photo of Lt. v. Barsewisch and additional personal information.